International Journal of Environmental Science and Development

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Volume 6 Number 10 (Oct. 2015)

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IJESD 2015 Vol.6(10): 790-794 ISSN: 2010-0264
DOI: 10.7763/IJESD.2015.V6.700

Classifying Urban Building from Road Based on Fuzzy Logic Rules and Climate Proofing Codes Using Quick Bird Imagery

Li Hongfen, Hu Guangdao, Du Jun, and Wang Chao
Abstract—This article deal with the problem of distinguishing buildings from roads of land cover maps using very high-resolution satellites (VHRS). It discusses two methods for improving the result of classifying these two land use types in land cover mapping. A case study of QuickBird imagery of an area in Chenggong County of Yunnan Province is conducted based on an analysis of QuickBird imagery.

Index Terms—Fuzzy logic system (FLS), spatial feature extraction, texture analysis, image segmentation.

Li Hongfen is with the Institute of Geographical Sciences, Henan Academy of Sciences and China University of Geosciences, Resources Academy, China (e-mail:
Hu Guangdao is with the China University of Geosciences, Resources Academy, China (e-mail:
Du Jun and Wang Chao are with the Institute of Geographical Sciences, Henan Academy of Sciences, China (e-mail:, 1208483461@


Cite:Li Hongfen, Hu Guangdao, Du Jun, and Wang Chao, "Classifying Urban Building from Road Based on Fuzzy Logic Rules and Climate Proofing Codes Using Quick Bird Imagery," International Journal of Environmental Science and Development vol. 6, no.10, pp. 790-794, 2015.