International Journal of Environmental Science and Development

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Volume 2 Number 6 (Dec. 2011)

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IJESD 2011 Vol.2(6): 418-422 ISSN: 2010-0264
DOI: 10.7763/IJESD.2011.V2.162

Experimental Investigations on Engine Performance and Exhaust Emissions in an LPG Diesel Dual Fuel Engine

M. P. Poonia, A. Bhardwaj, A. S. Jethoo, and U. Pandel

Abstract—In a dual fuel engine, two fuels are used simultaneously. The primary fuel is usually gaseous forms the major content of the total energy supplied to the engine. The secondary fuel, i.e., pilot fuel, is injected after compression of the primary fuel air mixture. Much of the energy release comes from the combustion of the gaseous fuel and a small amount of diesel fuel provides ignition through timed cylinder injection. In the present work, single-cylinder, compression ignition, direct injection diesel engine has been used for the investigations of exhaust emissions when the engine is operating as a dual-fuel engine using diesel as pilot fuel and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) as secondary fuel. The influence of major engine operating parameters, such as the pilot fuel quantity, intake air temperature, Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR), intake air throttling and rate of injection on the exhaust emissions was investigated. Diesel fuel was used as the pilot fuel, while LPG was used as the main fuel which was inducted in the intake manifold. The experimental investigations showed that the poor exhaust emissions at light loads can be improved by employing larger pilot fuel quantity, using EGR, increasing intake temperature and well adjusted rate of injection.

Index Terms—Dual fuel, LPG, Thermal Efficiency, Diesel and Performance

M. P. Poonia, A. Bhardwaj, and U. Pandel are with the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India.
A. S. Jethoo is with the Department of Civil Engineering at the Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India (email:


Cite: M. P. Poonia, A. Bhardwaj, A. S. Jethoo, and U. Pandel, "Experimental Investigations on Engine Performance and Exhaust Emissions in an LPG Diesel Dual Fuel Engine," International Journal of Environmental Science and Development vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 418-422, 2011.