International Journal of Environmental Science and Development

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Volume 2 Number 4 (Aug. 2011)

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IJESD 2011 Vol.2(4): 274-278 ISSN: 2010-0264
DOI: 10.7763/IJESD.2011.V2.137

The Vegetation of Mt. Maculot, Cuenca, Batangas, Philippines

Jethro J. Arsenio, Melanie P. Medecilo, Edna T. Mercado, Esteban T. Salibay, Jr., and Felinore Angelica H. Valera

Abstract—The vegetation type of Mt. Maculot, Cuenca, Batangas, Philippines was investigated by determining the tree species composition, abundance and dominance using Point Center-Quarter Method (PCQM). This study also focused on the ecologically important species necessary for identifying appropriate measures for biodiversity conservation. Five 100-m transect lines were established along the selected areas of the mountain based on altitudinal range at 100-m interval. Trees were encountered along the transects were tagged, the distance from the center and the diameter at breast height (dbh) were measured individually. Voucher specimens for each tree were collected for proper identification. The data were then analyzed and the Shannon’s and Simpson’s indices were computed. Results showed that 61 species belonging to 51 genera and 28 families were encountered. The tree species with highest importance value index (IVI) were: Canarium asperum Benth (Burseraceae), Diplodiscus paniculatus Turcz. (Malvaceae), Bischoffia javanica Bl. (Phyllanthaceae), and Palaquium philippinense (Perr.) C.B. Rob. (Sapotaceae). They were also recognized as the dominant species in the area. The area had 22.97% endemicity which is considered high. Based on the data, it is suggested that the mountain should be conserved and long-term ecological research should be conducted.

Index Terms—Biological diversity, endemic species, importance value index. Mt. Maculot, Philippines, vegatation analysis.

J. Arsenio was with De La Salle University – Dasmariñas, Dasmariñas, Cavite, Philippines. He is now on-leave from the university.(e-mail:
M. Medecilo is with Biological Sciences Department, De La Salle University – Dasmariñas, Dasmariñas, Cavite, 4115 Philippines (e-mail:
E. Mercado is with Mathematics Department, De La Salle University –Dasmariñas, Dasmariñas, Cavite, 4115 Philippines (e-mail:
E. Salibay and A. F. Valera are with Religious Education Deparmtnet, De La Salle University – Dasmariñas, Dasmariñas, Cavite, 4115 Philippines (e-mail:


Cite: Jethro J. Arsenio, Melanie P. Medecilo, Edna T. Mercado, Esteban T. Salibay, Jr., and Felinore Angelica H. Valera, "The Vegetation of Mt. Maculot, Cuenca, Batangas, Philippines," International Journal of Environmental Science and Development vol. 2, no. 4, pp.274-278 , 2011.