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doi: 10.18178/ijesd.2024.15.6.1500
Geotechnology Applied to Morphometric Characterization of the Lucite River Sub-Watershed, Mozambique
Email: eufrasionhongo@yahoo.com (E.J.S.N.); isidroalexlamar9@gmail.com (I.A.S.); bboanha@gmail.com (B.J.B.); cmachava1985@gmail.com (C.D.A.M.)
*Corresponding author
Abstract—The morphometric characterization of river
watersheds is of great importance and is used to predict extreme
hydro-meteorological phenomena (floods). The aim of this work
was to morphometrically characterize the Lucite River subwatershed
using geotechnologies. Based on the Digital Elevation
Model, using SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) data,
the following watershed morphometrics were determined:
Drainage area, Watershed perimeter, Coefficient of
compactness, Form factor, Circularity index, Declivity, Altitude,
Maintenance coefficient, Drainage density, Hydrographic
density, Torrential coefficient and Watershed order. All
procedures were processed in ArcGIS 10.5 software. The results
suggest that the Lucite River sub-watershed is not very
susceptible to flooding under normal rainfall conditions, due to
the low values of Drainage Density 0.021, Hydrological Density
0.028, Compactness Coefficient 1.92 and Form factor 0.43,
presenting an elongated and irregular shape. Although these
values do not indicate the need for flood prevention strategies,
however in situations of abnormal rainfall, the sub-watershed
could be susceptible to flooding, as some values are close to the
Keywords—watershed, morphometric characterization,
Cite: Eufrásio João Sozinho Nhongo, Isidro Alexandre Simão, Baptista João Boanha, and Castigo David Augusto Machava, "Geotechnology Applied to Morphometric Characterization of the Lucite River Sub-Watershed, Mozambique," International Journal of Environmental Science and Development vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 304-309, 2024.
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