International Journal of Environmental Science and Development



Volume 4 Number 5 (Oct. 2013)

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IJESD 2013 Vol.4(5): 569-575 ISSN: 2010-0264
DOI: 10.7763/IJESD.2013.V4.415

Study on Coupling Degree and Optimal Path between Land Water Resources and Economic Development in Poyang Lake Ecological Economical Zone

Tian-gui Lv and Ci-fang Wu
Abstract—The coordination between resources and economy is a challenge for Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone, which is a new economic development zone in China, with the rapid development in the past few years, the contradiction is more intense than ever before. In this paper, the coupling degree between the carrying capacity of land water resources and economical development were assessed to demonstrate how optimal coupling path can be selected. Methods of information entropy were employed to determine the guideline system of coupling degree and to quantify them. The results indicated that: 1)The coupling degree was difference, the level of urban regions level was much higher than the counties region; 2)The carrying capacity of land water and economic development lacked the synchrony, most of the urban were belongs to the low harmony style, and the countries were belongs to the phase lag in economy; 3)The spatial distribution of the coupling degree took Poyang lake as the core from higher to lower in the form of the concentric circles. It obvious that the strategy of adaptive management and ecological barrier construction should be selected in environment damage areas, while the strategy of urbanization and industrial layout optimization should be selected in the Lag of economy of region.

Index Terms—Carrying capacity of land and water resources, coupling degree, economical development, Poyang Lake Ecological Economical Zone.

All the authors are with the department of land resources management, College of Public Administration, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China (,


Cite:Tian-gui Lv and Ci-fang Wu, "Study on Coupling Degree and Optimal Path between Land Water Resources and Economic Development in Poyang Lake Ecological Economical Zone," International Journal of Environmental Science and Development vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 569-575, 2013.