International Journal of Environmental Science and Development



Volume 4 Number 5 (Oct. 2013)

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IJESD 2013 Vol.4(5): 509-513 ISSN: 2010-0264
DOI: 10.7763/IJESD.2013.V4.404

Biological Conversion from Slaughter Blood into Amino Acid Liquefied Fertilizer

Y. W. Jeon, H. J. Kim, Y. H. Cho, and H. M. Yoo
Abstract—The traditional way for treatment of slaughter blood is just to decompose the powdered blood into peptide or amino acid chemically using phosphoric acid or hydrochloric acid. In order to get the powdered blood, dewatering and drying processes are required, which are causing wastewater, odor, and cost problems. The objectives of this research were to convert raw slaughter blood to amino acid liquefied fertilizer biologically, by the processes of crushing and enzymatic (protease) decomposition. It is concluded that to maximize the efficiency of enzymatic decomposition for raw slaughter blood, the optimum operation conditions are determined that the enzyme reaction time is 10 hrs, the enzyme mixing ratio is 0.5 w/w%, and the enzyme reaction temperature is 40 ℃ . Decomposed blood by crushing and enzymatic reaction showed decrease of total protein concentration from 32.9 mg/mL to 1.5 mg/mL, and average particle size from 46.92 μm to 19.89 μm. 3) Through gel filtration chromatography (GFC) analysis, decomposed proteins were converted mostly into small-sized protein and peptide (<13 kDa) not into amino acid level.

Index Terms—Slaughter blood, amino acid liquefied fertilizer, enzymatic decomposition, protease

All the authors are with Green Environmental Industry Division, Korea Testing Laboratory, Seoul, 152-718, Republic of Korea (e-mail:


Cite:Y. W. Jeon, H. J. Kim, Y. H. Cho, and H. M. Yoo, "Biological Conversion from Slaughter Blood into Amino Acid Liquefied Fertilizer," International Journal of Environmental Science and Development vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 509-513, 2013.