International Journal of Environmental Science and Development

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Volume 1 Number 3 (Aug. 2010)

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IJESD 2010 Vol.1(3): 251-255 ISSN: 2010-0264
DOI: 10.7763/IJESD.2010.V1.48

Awareness about Bio-Medical Waste Management among Health Care Personnel of Some Important Medical Centers in Agra

Shalini Sharma

Abstract—The proper handling and disposal of Bio-medical waste (BMW) is very imperative. There are well defined set of rules for handling BMW worldwide. Unfortunately, laxity and lack of adequate training and awareness, in execution of these rules leads to staid health and environment apprehension. In this research paper, awareness about bio-medical waste (BMW) management rules among health care personnel of some important health care facilities in Agra is evaluated. In the present study, health care facilities are categorized into four strata i.e. apex Government hospitals, Government and non Government first level referral units (FRU), private health care facilities and corporate health care facilities. Random sampling technique is adopted at all the four different strata mentioned above to have a representative sample. After random sampling technique, total fourteen health care facilities from all strata are taken up. Periodical visits were made to analyze awareness about bio-medical waste management among health care personnel of all the fourteen health care facilities. To make it all embracing and systematic, a written appraisal tool in the form of different questionnaires was prepared for various categories of working personnel in the hospital/nursing home. To increase the sample size best efforts were made to collect data from maximum number of working personnel and their views and sincere suggestions regarding waste management were noted down. The results obtained pointed towards lack of knowledge and awareness towards legislations on bio-medical waste management even among qualified hospital personnel. As a consequence there is inappropriate practice of BMW handling and management, thus exposing themselves and general public to health and environment hazards.

Index Terms—Biomedical waste, Random sampling.

Manuscript received August 14, 2010. Dr Shalini Sharma is with the Walnut Technologies Bangalore (India) as Manager (HR), phone: +91-9018865834, +91-522-2438836; fax: +91-1991-285694; e-mail:


Cite: Shalini Sharma, "Awareness about Bio-Medical Waste Management among Health Care Personnel of Some Important Medical Centers in Agra," International Journal of Environmental Science and Development vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 251-255, 2010.