International Journal of Environmental Science and Development

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Volume 1 Number 2 (June 2010)

Home > Articles > All Issues > 2010 > Volume 1 Number 2 (June 2010) >
IJESD 2010 Vol.1(2): 190-192 ISSN: 2010-0264
DOI: 10.7763/IJESD.2010.V1.35

Climate Change & Oral Health: Current Challenges & Future Scope

Dr. Sunali Khanna

Abstract—The impact of climate change on oral health is of significant importance. Certain facets of climate change have culminated in the emergence of epidemics, destruction of forests, flooding of coastal areas and other fatalities. Impact of climate change on the lives of natives of a particular geographical region influences the overall health status of an individual. Global repercussions have an effect on the ecosystem. Oral precancer and cancer is increasing amongst the younger generation in the Indian sub-continent. This can be attributed to rampant usage of tobacco, associated products and exposure to various amounts of solar radiation. Epidemiological assessment & readiness to tackle health burden arising due to change in climatic condition needs to be strengthened. Health sector investment should be channelized towards patient care largely in the public sector. Heatheducation and preventive programmes need to be targeted towards the vulnerable population. The public health infrastructure needs to be strengthened to adapt to the rapidly changing disease profile. Therefore, concerted efforts have to be made in order to understand these modifying factors. This can be achieved by upgrading health care facilities and research support. This would facilitate a harmonious balance to enable sustainable development and optimum overall health.

Index Terms—Climate change, Oral health, public health, oral precancer, oral cancer, socio -economic factors.

Nair Hospital Dental College, Mumbai, India


Cite: Dr. Sunali Khanna, "Climate Change & Oral Health: Current Challenges & Future Scope," International Journal of Environmental Science and Development vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 190-192, 2010.