International Journal of Environmental Science and Development

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Volume 13 Number 6 (Dec. 2022)

Home > Articles > All Issues > 2022 > Volume 13 Number 6 (Dec. 2022) >
IJESD 2022 Vol.13(6): 257-263 ISSN: 2010-0264
doi: 10.18178/ijesd.2022.13.6.1402

The Emissions and Measures in Greenhouse Gases Management for Climate Change Mitigation in Developing Countries: A Case of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Bang Quoc Ho, Khue Vu, Tam Nguyen, Quan Le, Rajnish Rakholia, and Ricardo Simon Carbajo

Abstract—Vietnam will achieve net-zero greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions by 2050. Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) has a considerable amount of GHG emissions (accounted for 20,68% of total GHG in Vietnam). The main GHG sources in HCMC are mainly due to the numerous private vehicles used and the increasing rate of factories. Therefore, to reduce the GHG of the city from these two sources, the bottom-up GHG detailed emission inventory (EI) for major sources must be carried out to determine the potential GHG emission sources. The objectives of this research are 1) to develop detailed GHG EI for HCMC and 2) to develop measures to reduce GHG for HCMC. It is the first bottom-up GHG emission inventory study that applied the EMISENS model to calculate the GHG emission from traffic and industrial sources. The total GHG emission of HCMC in 2019 was 58,272,149 tons CO2eq/year. The primary emission of GHG in HCMC is from on-road traffic (13,484,958 tons CO2eq/year) and the industry sector (17,612,942 tons CO2eq/year). Motorcycles contribute the highest (63%) GHG emission from on-road transportation, whereas the chemical industry contributes the highest (63%) GHG emission from industry sources, followed by the sectors of Paper Production (17.3%), Textile (16.1%), and Metal production (14.7%). The study also developed technical and management solutions to achieve the goal of GHG emission reduction for HCMC and contribute to the National target of net-zero GHG. The main management solutions are based on implementing a Carbon Reporting System for industries and buildings in the city.

Index Terms—Carbon reporting system, greenhouse gas, Ho Chi Minh city, solutions.

Bang Quoc Ho, Khue Vu, and Tam Nguyen are with the Institute for Environment and Resources (IER), Ho Chi Minh City 700000, Vietnam. They are also with the Department of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Academic Affairs, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCM), Vietnam (corresponding author: Khue Vu; e-mail:,,,,
Quan Le, Rajnish Rakholia, and Ricardo Simon Carbajo are with the Ireland’s National Centre for Applied Artificial Intelligence (CeADAR) / University College Dublin, Ireland.


Cite: Bang Quoc Ho, Khue Vu, Tam Nguyen, Quan Le, Rajnish Rakholia, and Ricardo Simon Carbajo, "The Emissions and Measures in Greenhouse Gases Management for Climate Change Mitigation in Developing Countries: A Case of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam," International Journal of Environmental Science and Development vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 257-263, 2022.

Copyright © 2022 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).