Home > Articles > All Issues > 2015 > Volume 6 Number 8 (Aug. 2015) >
IJESD 2015 Vol.6(8): 585-589 ISSN: 2010-0264
DOI: 10.7763/IJESD.2015.V6.662
DOI: 10.7763/IJESD.2015.V6.662
Use of Electro-Chemical Process for Waste Sludge Generated from Moving Bed Bioreactor
Shohreh Azizi and Nomathamsaqa P. Sithebe
Abstract—The rapid population growth in South Africa has
increased the requirement of waste water treatment facilities.
This study was conducted to assess the moving bed bio reactor
receiving from Mafikeng sewage treatment plant. The
experiment was undertaken on a continue laboratory scale and
analytical data was collected before and after treatment. The
reduction of 83.21 COD, 87.64BOD was achieved in optimum
Hydraulic retention time. The efforts also made an attention
into potential technology for waste sludge reduction. The study
was undertaken the use of electrochemical process as
pre-treatment for waste sludge. It is observed 60% of digestion
period was decreased through the Electro-chemical treatment.
Basic data obtained through the experimental research are demonstrated that the MBBR may be used in an extremely compact high-rate process (<3h total HRT) for secondary treatment process and the combination of electrochemical and aerobic digestion system is proposed to overcome all the disadvantages of aerobic and anaerobic digestion system. The complete system offers a most advance and improved sewage treatment plant.
Index Terms—Moving bed bioreactor, digestion time, electrochemical, aerobic digestion.
Shohreh Azizi is with the Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Science and Technology, North-West University, Mafikeng Campus, Private Bag X2046, Mmabatho 2735, South Africa (Corresponding author; e-mail: shohrehazizi1379@gmail.com).
Basic data obtained through the experimental research are demonstrated that the MBBR may be used in an extremely compact high-rate process (<3h total HRT) for secondary treatment process and the combination of electrochemical and aerobic digestion system is proposed to overcome all the disadvantages of aerobic and anaerobic digestion system. The complete system offers a most advance and improved sewage treatment plant.
Index Terms—Moving bed bioreactor, digestion time, electrochemical, aerobic digestion.
Shohreh Azizi is with the Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Science and Technology, North-West University, Mafikeng Campus, Private Bag X2046, Mmabatho 2735, South Africa (Corresponding author; e-mail: shohrehazizi1379@gmail.com).
Cite:Shohreh Azizi and Nomathamsaqa P. Sithebe, "Use of Electro-Chemical Process for Waste Sludge Generated from Moving Bed Bioreactor," International Journal of Environmental Science and Development vol. 6, no. 8, pp. 585-589, 2015.