International Journal of Environmental Science and Development



Volume 5 Number 4 (Aug. 2014)

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IJESD 2014 Vol.5(4): 370-374 ISSN: 2010-0264
DOI: 10.7763/IJESD.2014.V5.512

Assessment of Healthcare Waste Management Practices in Enugu Metropolis, Nigeria

Clementina Ukamaka Uwa
Abstract—This study was carried out with the aim of assessing the health care waste management practices by hospital staff. The study involved the survey of a cross section of four (4) tertiary health institutions. The study showed that there is significant variation in healthcare waste management practices and the sustainability factors (reduce, reuse recycle)(3Rs). The test showed that there prominent method of healthcare waste management at the studied institutions was practice of incineration and frequency of waste disposal, leaving out other new and improved technologies for proper waste management. The study showed that the health institutions adopts minimal activities of recycling, reduce and reuse, although not regularly. It is therefore imperative that new technologies and innovations should be put in proper place for improved healthcare management practices, in Enugu metropolis. The aim of this research therefore is to assess the healthcare management practices using it tertiary health institutions (teaching and specialist hospital) in southern Nigeria, state of Enugu as a case study. This paper therefore sets out to assess the healthcare waste management practices of health workers in those health institutions.

Index Terms—Assessment, waste, management.

C. U. Uwa is with the Department of Basic Sciences, Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu Nigeria (e-mail:


Cite:Clementina Ukamaka Uwa, "Assessment of Healthcare Waste Management Practices in Enugu Metropolis, Nigeria," International Journal of Environmental Science and Development vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 370-374, 2014.