Home > Articles > All Issues > 2014 > Volume 5 Number 4 (Aug. 2014) >
IJESD 2014 Vol.5(4): 347-351 ISSN: 2010-0264
DOI: 10.7763/IJESD.2014.V5.507
DOI: 10.7763/IJESD.2014.V5.507
Solid Waste Management: Its Sources, Collection, Transportation and Recycling
Gaurav K. Singh, Kunal Gupta, and Shashank Chaudhary
Abstract—Solid wastes may be defined as useless, unused,
unwanted, or discarded material available in solid form.
Semisolid food wastes and municipal sludge may also be
included in municipal solid waste. The subject of solid wastes
came to the national limelight after the passage of the solid
waste disposal act of 1965. Today, solid waste is accepted as a
major problem of our society. In the United States over 180
million tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) was generated in
1988. At this generation quantity, the average resident of an
urban community is responsible for more than 1.8 kg (4.0 lbs.)
of solid waste per day. This quantity does not include industrial,
mining, agricultural, and animal wastes generated in the
country each year. If these quantities are added, the solid waste
production rate reaches 45 kg per capita per day (100 lb. /c.d.).
To introduce the reader to the solid waste management field, an
overview of municipal solid waste problems, sources, collection,
resource recovery, and disposal methods are presented in this
paper. Greater emphasis has been given to the design and
operation of municipal sanitary landfills, regulations governing
land disposal, and leachate generation, containment and
treatment methods.
Index Terms—Community, density, generation, landfills, population, solid waste.
The authors are with the Delhi Technological University in Department of Environmental Engineering, New Delhi-110042, India (e-mail: gauravkumardce@gmail.com, guptakunal.dce@gmail.com, shshnkchaudhary73@gmail.com).
Index Terms—Community, density, generation, landfills, population, solid waste.
The authors are with the Delhi Technological University in Department of Environmental Engineering, New Delhi-110042, India (e-mail: gauravkumardce@gmail.com, guptakunal.dce@gmail.com, shshnkchaudhary73@gmail.com).
Cite:Gaurav K. Singh, Kunal Gupta, and Shashank Chaudhary, "Solid Waste Management: Its Sources, Collection, Transportation and Recycling," International Journal of Environmental Science and Development vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 347-351, 2014.