International Journal of Environmental Science and Development

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Volume 4 Number 2 (April 2013)

Home > Articles > All Issues > 2013 > Volume 4 Number 2 (April 2013) >
IJESD 2013 Vol.4(2): 217-220 ISSN: 2010-0264
DOI: 10.7763/IJESD.2013.V4.338

Assessment of Environmental Impact for Tannery Industries in Bangladesh

Abul Hasnat, Istiakur Rahman, and Mosabbir Pasha
Abstract—Leather industry is a prominent industrial sector in Bangladesh which has a massive influence on our economy. The industry has become an area of export thrust with footwear having been identified as an area of extreme focus. Though having massive potential, this overgrowing sector has received much criticism on environmental as well as health issue. Basically the process of tanning is to retain the skin's natural properties, to stabilize its structure and at the same time to chemically process it so it will no longer be subject to putrefaction. It is one of the most energy intensive industries in Bangladesh which creates eco toxicity like water pollution, solid waste generations. In Bangladesh eco toxicity evaluation of any aquatic environment has not been conducted in large scale so far. Tannery discharge wastes to the marshy land like rivers and canals which carry toxic chemical like H2S (water), NH3 (ammonia), poisonous chlorine and nitrogen based gases. According to a report by SOCIETY FOR ENVIRONMENT AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT (SEHD), millions of people suffer from gastrointestinal, dermatological and other diseases and 90% of them die before the age of 50. This project has been done to focus on the evaluation of pollution on the relative areas and also aimed at optimum utilization of for this Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has been done in those particular areas. It shows highly negative impact on ecological environment but shows more positive impact on human interest.

Index Terms—EIA, eco toxicity, optimum utilization, tannery discharge, water treatment.

Abul Hasnat, Istiakur Rahman, and Mosabbir Pasha are with the Department of CEE, Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Bangladesh (email:


Cite:Abul Hasnat, Istiakur Rahman, and Mosabbir Pasha, "Assessment of Environmental Impact for Tannery Industries in Bangladesh," International Journal of Environmental Science and Development vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 217-220, 2013.