International Journal of Environmental Science and Development



Volume 6 Number 4 (April 2015)

Home > Articles > All Issues > 2015 > Volume 6 Number 4 (April 2015) >
IJESD 2015 Vol.6(4): 311-315 ISSN: 2010-0264
DOI: 10.7763/IJESD.2015.V6.609

Waste Tyre Management in Gauteng, South Africa: Government, Industry and Community Perceptions

Edison Muzenda and Christina Popa
Abstract—Waste tyres have accumulated at landfills in South Africa, some are illegally dumped in open spaces or sold. This work discusses the waste tyre problem in South Africa as well as the environmental and economic benefits of waste tyre utilization for green fuels. The perceptions of government, industry and community on waste tyre management were investigated. To achieve the objectives a triangulation procedure was followed. This included personnel interviews, questionnaires and literature analysis. The research has shown that lack of knowledge particularly in the informal sector contributed to the waste tyre management problem. The lack of clear and focused legislation guiding the disposal and recycling of waste tyres remains a challenge. Pyrolysis was found to have the potential to address the waste tyre problem with the potential to reduce environmental impact and also contribute towards a green economy.

Index Terms—Economic, environmental, green fuel, pyrolysis, triangulation.

E. Muzenda is with the Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of Johannesburg, Doornfontein, Johannesburg 2028 (e-mail:
C. E. Popa is with the Department of Mechanicall and Industrial Engineering Technology, Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of Johannesburg, Doornfontein, Johannesburg 2028 (e-mail:


Cite:Edison Muzenda and Christina Popa, "Waste Tyre Management in Gauteng, South Africa: Government, Industry and Community Perceptions," International Journal of Environmental Science and Development vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 311-315, 2015.