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IJESD 2013 Vol.4(3): 300-303 ISSN: 2010-0264
DOI: 10.7763/IJESD.2013.V4.358
DOI: 10.7763/IJESD.2013.V4.358
Method on Conversion of Gasoline to Biogas Fueled Single Cylinder of Four Stroke Engine of Electric Generator
Tjokorda Gde Tirta Nindhia, I Wayan Surata, I. Ketut Adi Atmika, Dewa Ngakan Ketut Putra Negara, and Ari Wardana
Abstract—The Gasoline fueled single cylinder generator engine are well established and available in the market with reasonable price, in the other hand the biogas fueled engine for electric generator is not well established yet in the market. The biogas energy is easy to produce therefore the price for the biogas is very much cheaper than the gasoline. The purpose of this research is to find conversion method from gasoline to biogas fuelled of the single cylinder four stroke engine of electric generator. For this purpose the biogas should be upgraded to the level of zero impurities of hydrogen sulfide H2S, water (H2O) and reducing up to zero level of CO2 impurities. The carburetor of the gasoline engine was replaced and only component of the mixer of the fuel and air were used. The intake of the biogas fueled should be completed with valve that can be opened automatically by vacuum of the suction stroke of the engine and compression ration of the engine should be increased until reach 9:1 of compression ratio. With this conversion method, the engine of the electric generator used for this research is run well and possible to reach maximum capacity that can be achieved by using gasoline previously.
Index Terms—Conversion, gasoline, biogas, single cylinder, for stroke engine, electric generator.
The authors are with the Department of Mechanical Engineering Udayana University, Jimbaran, Bali, 80361, Indonesia (e-mail: nindhia@yahoo.com, waysurat@yahoo.com, tutadi2001@yahoo.com, devputranegara@yahoo.co.id, ko3pank@yahoo.co.id).
Index Terms—Conversion, gasoline, biogas, single cylinder, for stroke engine, electric generator.
The authors are with the Department of Mechanical Engineering Udayana University, Jimbaran, Bali, 80361, Indonesia (e-mail: nindhia@yahoo.com, waysurat@yahoo.com, tutadi2001@yahoo.com, devputranegara@yahoo.co.id, ko3pank@yahoo.co.id).
Cite:Tjokorda Gde Tirta Nindhia, I Wayan Surata, I. Ketut Adi Atmika, Dewa Ngakan Ketut Putra Negara, and Ari Wardana, "Method on Conversion of Gasoline to Biogas Fueled Single Cylinder of Four Stroke Engine of Electric Generator," International Journal of Environmental Science and Development vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 300-303, 2013.